When they said boys are more difficult to look after than girls, I can't agree more. My boy had severe nose allergy last weekend. All this while, he has nose allergy which I consider is a common thing knowing that it's a side effect of asthma. Occasionally, he will have to take anti-histamine. But never to an extend that he has difficulty in breathing!
OMG....it happened last weekend...
Thursday and Friday
He was sneezing non-stop at night and I thought it was just the normal nose allergy, so I gave him anti-histamine and flu syrup for him to sleep better.
Saturday night....
He was sniffing in the evening, just moments before we went out for gathering with friends. As predicted, the sniffing turned into non-stop sneeze at the restaurant. I should have given him the anti-histamine earlier before we left the house, but that would make him felt drowsy. So, it wasn't so wise after all. He was rubbing his nose so badly and the sneezing continued. In the end, daddy hold the tissue for him, so that he won't rub his nose after every sneeze which made it even more worse. We quickly got home after dinner. Then, he had nose blocked pulak after the sneezing stopped. I gave him the usual anti-histamine and flu syrup and put him to bed.
After he had fallen asleep, he was breathing so hard (because the flu syrup and anti-histamine has no effect on the blocked nose). He was trying to use his nose to breathe and you can actually see his chest rising up and down trying very hard to breathe. Worried, I quickly called mum and told her to get the mucus pump on standby and told her I'll come to collect it. Being the overly worried grandmother, she told me, it's quicker she made the trip here and hung up. It made sense considering she only need to travel one way to get the equipment here rather than I have travel two ways.
Mum arrived with the mucus pump and a nasal spray. We tried both. The pump was a failure but the nasal spray soothed him a little. However, later at night, his nose was congested again. And again, he had difficulty in breathing. I didn't sleep much that night and so was he.
The first thing in the morning, we took him to the nearby GP. Quite a good one as I had mentioned before in my previous posts. The doctor told me that normal flu syrup will not cure this. So, he asked me whether my boy was capable of swallowing pills. I told him, I have never tried before because all this while he takes only syrup but I knew pills should have a better effect since the doctor made it so obvious by asking me. Then I said, I can try to give him. If he resists, I'll smashed the pills and mixed it with water instead.
Luckily.....he was willing to swallow the pills.
The doctor gave me a nasal spray, a nostril washing spray, one antibiotic syrup and three different kinds of flu pills for the nose. My God...he has to swallow 3 pills but luckily it was broken into half. He only needs to take half a pill for three different types twice a day. The doctor also told me his throat was a bit infected because of the mucus but it's fine as long as no fever involved. He asked me to clean his room thoroughly.
So, when we went back after seeing the doctor, both daddy and I carried his mattress, pillows and bolsters out to be placed under the sun. To kill the whatever dust mites with the blazing heat from the sun. Then, we taught him how to swallow the pills. He was considered quite successful with the first attempt but when he tried to swallow the biggest pill, he failed. Hahaha....he spit it back into the cup of water. Kakaka....
Now, he is an expert in swallowing pills. And he can swallow three pills with just a half cup of water. Funny, he never complained about the medicine having bitter taste. Hehehe....but I do give him sweets after that.
And, his breathing was back to normal right after the first dose of medication. But there was a series of coughs after the nose allergy had subsided, I think mainly due to the clearing of mucus from his throat. He was absent from school for two days but he is back to normal now. The doctor was a life savior!
What a relief!
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