Sunday, November 1, 2009

I Can Read!

He can read now....simple sentences like:

The goat and the girl.

The ball and the doll.

The car and the ball.

The queen has a ring.

The violin is on the table.

The fox is in the box.

They play with the yo-yo in the box.

I think the school and his bedtime story reading plays an important role in building up his words recognition. I'm so happy that he knows how to read now. Parents, you can start off with an easy reading book. A book with one or two short sentences the most per page will do the job. Read and trace your finger along each word as you read. Your little one's eyes will follow along and capture each word. It works!

We went to his school yesterday to collect his report book. Even though sick (few days ago during his exam), he managed to get 96% for is numbers and Chinese tests. He got 100% for his English test. He did not sat for his writing test as I found out that he was sick and did not let him go to school. Anyway, according to his report book, a lot of things about him has improved based on his teachers' observations such as participation in group singing. Academic wise he is doing very good. Just a little bit reserved when it comes to socializing. According to his teacher, he can now write on his own, no longer need his teacher to hold his hands while writing. I think all this is more to self-confidence and independence. He is slowly getting there....

Talking about independence, my boy knows how to take care of me. For example, when I brought him to do groceries shopping, he would push the trolley for me, he will take the things from me and put inside the trolley, he will put the already paid items into the trolley (I think he is pretty strong to carry the plastic bags containing stuffs and load them into the trolley one by one), he would offer to pay the cashier...with ahem money of course...and take the balance from the cashier.

This is just one part, not to mention other examples, like he shooed me to work when I opened the first floor gate of mum's apartment to accompany him up to mum's house. He took the things from me once I opened the gate (he knew it's his stuff) and said, "mimi, go to work". Then he just walked straight up without looking back. I mean he was sick and I intended to walked him up but....I was like, boy has really grown up. Independent.

1 comment:

yennyhfy @ samsara said...

The best gift from a child is knowing that despite all the hardship of raising him, there will be one fine day that he loves & takes care of you in return....and I believe Lunz will be a very very good boy ~ obedient and caring !