Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Quick Update

I need to make a quick update because I've abandoned my blog for more than a month already. Blame my boss because she doesn't travel as frequent as the other managers, thus, leaving me no time at work to blog. :P

The Boy:
There's so much changes in him and I can't stop him from growing. I mean he used to be so little and now he has grown so much. Silly me. Of course, he grows but time is really fast. I'm enjoying my every moment with him before he has a life of his own (not sticking to the parents anymore). He is currently 33 kgs (a lil' overweight but thank God he is tall) and 127cm tall. He does pretty well in school and finishes his homework at his popo's house after school every weekday. I don't have to worry about coaching him on his homework whenever I come home from work because he finishes everything before I fetch him. But of course, I do check his homework and hardly, there will be a mistake. And when there is a spelling test at school the next day, I'll give him the exercise the night before and he always gets the words correct. Of course, he is still a lil' bit weak in Chinese and I need to show him some of the words for him to recall and write.

He catches up on things pretty fast, like when you teach him only once and he will remember it for life. Daddy taught him once on how to count using his toes if 10 fingers are not enough to make up the sum (which is a wrong way for numbers more than 20!), and he remembered it since! For his eating habit, he is still as picky. He doesn't like vege and when we ask him to eat at least a few bites of vege, he will negotiate with us on the number of bites. He still loves milk as much. He now knows how to build words and combine it into sentences all by himself. If he doesn't know how to spell a certain word, he will ask me or Daddy. And he likes to write on the whiteboard, expressing how he felt at that time. Like his popo and meimei supposed to visit but never turned up. The silly boy wrote on the whiteboard, asking why his friends (referring to popo and meimei and the rest) never turned up. And when I came back late from work one day, he wrote on the board that only daddy and Sebastian go to sleep, good night.

Oh yes! His favourite new passion now is the Solar System. He learnt it from YouTube. And he memorizes all the planets in the Solar System and the sequences. Honestly, I didn't pay much noticed earlier on which planet comes after next until he 'educated' me. Now I know. :P There were so much that he learnt from YouTube, like opposites, etc.

I bought him a Solar System paper models, downloaded solar system education games for him on Iphone and even brought him to the National Planetarium. If you asked me, our National Planetarium sucks! But for RM1 per adult entrance, I guess the quality was pretty much like that. I actually expected a built up model of the Solar System on displayed at the Planetarium but to my dissapointment, I can't find any. It was just a model and a basic teaching to the public no how our Solar System looks like and yet the National Planetarium does not have it! We spent like less an hour there and then we went back, nothing nice. Even Petrosains is much much better.

On another update, Lunz finally read by himself now with me correcting him on every word he pronounce incorrectly. He reads during bedtime and usually he will read one page and me the next. It's a very good initiative start from him! And also lately, we have introduced a new game to him. Treasure hunt! We gave him a clue, ask him to find the spot and search for the next clue until he finds the treasure, which is usually snacks! He couldn't get the concept earlier but once he did, he liked it! He bugged us for more. So, we played with him few more rounds. Will do a better one next month with a proper present. His birthday ma! And the fun thing is, once he picked up the concept, he will asked us to join in his 'game', this time with him mentoring and deciding on the clues and writing them down for our guesses. And his clue makes sense. Smart boy!

The Father:
Nothing much about the Father. He is still super caring about the boy. And I love it the way he plays with him. It's heart-warming to see the bonding between them. He is a very caring father to the boy and Lunz is really fortunate to have him in his life. :)

Other than that, my hubby now is the Mahjong King! He, mum and either me or bro will be
playing mahjong every weekend. An addiction since CNY. Ish ish.

The Mother:
Ok, it's my turn now. I'm a happy mother with a cheerful, bubbly 6 year old son and a 4 1/2 months old baby growing inside me. I haven't felt the baby kicking me yet and I'm wondering if girls are much well-behaved than boys. Yes!! I'm having a girl. According to the doctor, 70% confirmed it's a girl and to be more accurate, it will be confirmed again in my next checkup, which is in early June. With Lunz last time, in my early 4th month of pregnancy, I already felt him doing somersault in me. Haha....hope to feel my baby kicking me soon.

We went for a baby fair recently and I'm very focused on the items I wanted to buy. I knew it would be very crowded, so, I told daddy what were the items I wanted and the moment we are there, just grab and go! In the end, I managed to buy what's in my list: 2 things, bottles and diapers. We went for a nice lunch after that. My sis-in-law will be giving me most of the stuffs, like car seat, stroller, baby coat, bathtub, breast pump, sterilizer, clothes, etc. So, thanks to her! We are saving a fortune. :)

When the time comes, I will just need to stock up on the necessary items such as 'loo yee' oil, cottons, towels, hanky, bottle liquid washer, baby clothes detergent, buttock cream, etc. Yeah, will need to work out a list later. So far, I'm feeling all good. I try to have at least one fruit serving per day, which I managed to have so far. I just had coconut water last Sunday and it was good! I'm craving for ice lemon tea.....watermelon.....!!

All in all, we are doing good and we are all happy. That's the main point of life. :)
I still have an outdated post to update: Our Hard Rock Penang and Grandma (Ipoh) Birthday Dinner. Will try to update whenever I can.

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