Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Happy 6th Birthday, My Baby!

My Sebastian baby turned 6 years old 2 weeks ago. As mentioned in my previous post, both daddy and I took leave on the day, which falls on a Friday. We went to the Desa Waterpark for some water fun. Coincidentally, mum was on leave as well. The kids she look after were not around on that day. So, she took MeiMei along with us.

For dinner time, we (whole family) had simple wantan mee, grilled chicken wings, drinks and watermelon. It was simple but yet fulfilling. Then, as usual, not to be missed...the birthday cake blowing.

I was blessed to be surrounded by wonderful family members. I was grateful for having Sebastian in my life. So grateful, I thank God for not giving him up in the first place and I always did. Sebastian, mummy know you don't know how to make a wish since you're so young, so mummy's going to make one for you.....

"Hope you grow up to be a happy, cheerful and joyous person always"

Here are some pictures taken on Sebastian's birthday:

Birthday pandan fruit cake.

My pregnant home look. Haha...

Presents from cousins
Silly gilly gumble likes to eat only.

Present from mummy.

Present from daddy.

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