Friday, July 22, 2011

Some Fun and Loving Conversations

I have some loving and fun conversations with my lil' one lately:

Scene 1:
On Wednesday, the bugger reluctant to do his homework at his popo's house, which he usually does everyday after school. So, when I checked his homework that evening, I found out it was not done and I asked him to do it on the spot. He obediently sat down and with a pencil on his right hand, books in front of him, he looked at me....

Him: I want to go take bath.
Me: No, you finish first, then only go take bath.
Him: I take bath first, then come down do. (getting better at his negotiating skills already)
Me: No, finish first la. Fast only.
Him: See. Got worm bite my body. Have to take bath first.
Me: ..............................

Ok...I lost! He won.

Scene 2:
One evening, after bathing him, while dressing him up, I chatted with him...

Me: Next time Isebelle come out, mummy has to go hospital, you stay with daddy or popo, ok?
Him: But how to come out? (looking very curious)
Me: Doctor will take out lor.
Him: Cut the tummy, take out. So painful.

He gave me a hug immediately, sort of to soothe me from the pain I have to bear. My heart melted immediately.

Scene 3:
I was babysitting him to bed one night, when Isebelle kicked me so hard...

Me: Ouch!
Him: What happened, mummy?
Me: Isabelle kicked mummy.
Him: Baby kicked mummy. So painful. But how?
Me: It's's not painful. It's tickle tickle tickle.

In which I tickled him, he laughed and guess what is his next action?
He went near my belly and tickled back his sister. Sort of knowing Isebelle tickled, which in fact kicked mummy, he tickled her back.

Children! Aren't they adorable?

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