Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Proposal

Yesterday was just like any other normal days after work. We had dinner together. When we were finished, we lingered at the living room taking a good rest and while I was flipping the channels on the TV, suddenly daddy said, come on let's go! I replied, go where? Go buy wedding ring for you lor, he answered. I smiled.

We chose a pair of gold bands with both of our initials crafted on it. No diamonds as I believe it is really not necessary. Diamonds can come later when we are much better well off financially. I remembered during my last visit to Ipoh, daddy's lai sum has been pestering him to get married quickly and he told her that he has not bought a diamond ring yet for me. Lai sum replied, when I first married your lai suk, we don't have anything at all, yet we love each other so much and we just got married like that. I believed her. After so many years, they are still very much in love with each other. Of course, they are filthy rich now they can afford just anything. Getting married are not about diamonds, money or telling people how well you married, but rather getting old together, holding hands to the cinema and watch a good movie together.......(Yenny@dinoland).

At bedtime later.....

Him: I haven't officially proposed to you yet. I should be doing it. (he said as he took the ring out from where it was nested, in the jewelry box)
Me: Haha....(shy)....
Him: Will you marry me? (as he held the ring in front of me)
Me: Eerrmmm....can you help me to wear it please? (I held my hand out to him)

As soon as he slid the ring into my finger, he got what he deserved. A kiss and a hug from me in return.

Then, we embraced the moment.......

1 comment:

yennyhfy @ samsara said...

Any "congratulations" or "I'm happy for you" are too lame and shallow for me to say....I'd rather tell you that I'm having the exact same feeling the moment I knew my Bro is getting married. It's a feeling full with warmth, loving and unlimited tears of joy...such a full contentment feeling knowing someone I love dearly is finding true love...gracefully walking into a long-term bond called togetherness...

I'm thanking guardian angels, you are blessed....