Monday, November 22, 2010

It's the Time of the Year Again!

Yo-Ho-Ho! It's the time of the year again. We took out the Christmas tree from the attic last weekend and put it up.

Well, it looks the same as last year because the ornaments were the same! We didn't buy any new ones. But, what's lacking?

Real pressies of course! Till then!

Then, all of us did some art crafts, thanks to daddy's idea. Just to decorate the house. The lil' one helped me on gluing the letters, painting and sprinkling the sparkling dusts.

Here was how it looks like:

Haha...not bad on a way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

The art work was hung up on the wall above the Christmas tree. And both of it will stay there until the next CNY decorations takes place.

Christmas decorations.

Now, I'm just waiting for my December's holidays and trips!


yennyhfy @ samsara said...

so sweet! I realy love the idea of setting up a xmas tree, drawing cards for deco...all done and produced from the warmth of family bonding!

True spirit to celebrate xmas!

Lunz Lunz said...

Yeah....couldn't be any happier for the life I'm living now. God bless.