Friday, December 24, 2010

First Tooth Extraction

Do you remember one of my previous posts where I mentioned about his loosen tooth? Well, mum called me yesterday at work and told me that she saw a new tooth emerging from the gum behind the loosen tooth when she brushed his teeth. Mum tried to shake the tooth, hoping it will continued to loosen and fall off by itself. But she failed. It was still sitting there tightly despite her effort. So, she called me and asked me to bring him to the dentist to pull it out. If it's too late, the tooth will not grow out nicely. In which I did, on the same night. I rushed home and was pretty excited when I saw the lil' white surface popping out on top of his gum. In fact, I can't concentrate at work when I knew about it. I was so nervous because I can't recalled my own experience. It was like 20 years ago? And I wondered how he felt like on the idea of visiting a dentist (Of course he knew what a dentist is. He saw that from Mr. Bean's cartoon). Anyway, I took him to one, together with daddy. At first, when I told the lil' one about it, he was very reluctant. Kept saying no, he doesn't want, to me. I have to repeat and constantly repeat to him that the baby tooth has to go because big boy tooth is coming out. You are a big boy already, you have to change your tooth. Bla bla bla.... Soon, he accepted the fact because he knew he had to see the dentist, no matter what. Mummy insisted!

We waited for almost 1/2 hour for our turn. It was considered lucky because we didn't made any appointment and we were the second patient. The first one did tooth filling. The dentist was an Indian lady. She was very good, in terms of she knew how to communicate with children, made them comfortable and not afraid of the process. Since the tooth has already loosen a little, no injection was required. To numb the pain, the dentist sprayed some solution and applied a type of cream before extracting the tooth. But according to her, the cream was of strawberry flavour. The lil' one didn't complaint meaning it was nice, I meant the taste of the cream. And in a brief moment, she extracted the tooth. Just within a few seconds. Yeah! Just like that. Of course, blood oozed out for awhile and stopped shortly after. And honestly, he was a very brave boy. He did not cried at all. He was willing to lay down there giving his 100% corporation to the dentist. I'm just so proud of him. Some kids will be screaming their heads off. And he was so cute that, when the dentist talked to me and the conversation ended like understands? Alright? He answered back, understand! Alright! Haha.

The dentist told me, that the timing was just right because if I waited any longer and the new tooth has already come out half way, there is nothing can be done. The new tooth will try to fit itself into whatever space that is available and the position can't be changed then. So, she told me whenever I see a newly emerging tooth, quickly bring him to the dentist. She even told me, in some situations where if there isn't enough room for a new tooth to grow, the tooth next to the loosen one will also have to be extracted. But in Lunz's case, it was not necessary because he has sufficient spacing among his tooths. The dentist reminded me to monitor his tooth replacing progress from time to time and he will have a very nice set of teeth later. The bleeding stopped once we got out from the clinic. As a reward, I bought him an ice-cream and a can of mango juice. And I'll definitely re-visit this dentist again. She is not bad.

When we reached home later, I took out the mirror and showed the emerging tooth to him. It was very obvious after the loosen tooth has gone. Without the tooth, it can be seen clearly the new one on the gum and the lil' fella saw it. And I guessed he knew what's happening then. Great! It will make the next visit much much easier then, although it was pleasant this time but at least he got the idea of a new tooth growing out and mummy was not telling a lie to make him take away his tooth. Haha....Mum told me that last time she never brought us to the dentist. If a tooth has loosen, she will teached us to shake it by ourselves and later pulled it out herself. Thanks to mum, I have a nice set of teeth although not very shiny white but at least are nicely arranged!

First tooth extraction. I'm going to keep this and showed it to him later when he grows up!

Waiting happily for his turn at the clinic.

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